“Plus” also represents gender and sexuality diversity not covered by the letters as our understanding of queerness as a society evolves and shifts. J 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT « Organizational Changes Pride Month: Defying Nazi Persecution » + Add to Google Calendar + Add to iCalendar. LGBTQ+ is an initialism (an abbreviation) that means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning.
Yet, we see from textual activists that queerness has always been in the center of Jewish life, and today, the community of LGBTQ+ Jews and allies are working to build programs and institutions so members of the LGBTQ+ community can bring their/our whole selves to Jewish living and learning. For too long, queerness may have seemed like a subplot of the Jewish story, something to be contained or eschewed. The JCCSF is committed to the Jewish idea that each human life is infinitely valuable, all of us are deeply connected and every person is radically unique. We strive to offer ways we can give back, make change and help create inclusive and safe spaces. By participating in Pride, we acknowledge Jewish religious and cultural norms have had historical negative consequences for queer Jews, and the work to repair and embrace has a long way to go.